We are charismatic in expression.
We believe that the gifts of the Spirit are active in the Church and are open to how the Spirit desires to use them in the Church.
We believe in passionate worship and in emotional richness in our expression. This is because we believe that our worship should reflect the reality of how good God is and how worthy He is of our praise. We desire to bring the full self to worship, in Spirit and in Truth, mind, heart, body, and soul.
We believe in the palpable and powerful presence of the Risen Lord Jesus by the Spirit in His Church. God can and does do miracles in our lives, and so we pray and believe for them. However, in humility, we seek the permission of the Lord and don't make presumptions on His behalf.
Other Distinctives: Rooted in History, Formed in the Disciplines, Empowered by the Spirit, Compelled by Love